ION Cleanse

How does the IonCleanse® system work?

The IonCleanse® system is based on the somewhat complicated action of electrolysis. A typical IonCleanse® footbath is 30 minutes. The array is placed into about 3 inches of warm water in a foot tub, & a small amount of salt is added. The person's feet are then placed into the water. The control unit is turned on.

A small direct current is delivered through the array's metal plates into the water generating positive & negative charged ions. These ions neutralize charged particles in the person's body. 

By neutralizing toxins in the body, the IonCleanse® session creates an environment whereby heavy metals and other toxins can exit the body safely. Some of the toxins will exit into the foot bath via the large pores in our feet, while other toxins will exit the body through sweat, urine, & other natural body functions.

The most effective, non-invasive detoxification system on the market!

Start your cleansing program today!
Recommended Cleansing Protocol to address the toxic load most people have stored, AMD (A Major Difference) recommends at least 10 IonCleanse® sessions. Ideal frequency is 2 times per week.


IonCleanse®, combined with reflexology & a healthy lifestyle, provides a thorough and efficient way to maintain high energy levels and long-­‐term wellness.


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